Cheapsmmpk works with balance based system, it means that you deposit funds in your account so you can later spend them inside the web-site! We are not able to reverse funds once they are deposited.
The default currency in the website is USD ( $ ) all payments should be done in the main currency otherwise it might come with delay.
Payment Gateway's we accept - :
Perfect Money
You can change your account password , API Credentials , e-mail or notification in your cheapsmmpk Account Settings If you think your private keys got compromised , please just click refresh them for your security. We highly recommend to keep your details safe and personal.
We available on Skype and E-mail during Business Days ( Monday to Saturday ) from 10:00AM to 18:00PM GMT+0
Usually we estimate to reply for urgent cases within 12 hours , for general cases 24-48 hours.
All Purchases you submit are final, and after the order is added we cannot cancel or stop it! The Followers/Likes or any other kind of actions made cannot be reversed.
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Cheapsmmpk API ( application programming interface) is used to automatically place orders through your Cheapsmmpk account just by calling a simple URL on our server.
This is the most effective method when you have a lot of orders you won't waste time all day by adding and controlling your orders manually!
By integrating API into your website you will be able to automatically add orders and consult order status in any software or application ( php , java , c, mobile app ) just be using a HTTP client.
This method use a unique Private Key Authentication share between the server and the costumer only.This key passed as a parameter in any calls you perform to identify your account.
If for any reason your Private Key is compromised you should contact us immediately or just visit your Account Settings and Reset your keys.